NUFORC UFO Sighting 138490

Occurred: 2018-01-19 18:45 Local
Reported: 2018-01-20 07:55 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Franklin, NJ, USA

Shape: Formation

Orbs in Northern NJ

Last night at 6:45 PM EST, my wife and I were driving to dinner towards Sparta on Route 517 in Sussex County, NJ, about 1 mile east of Route 23. We were driving southwest, when we noticed a formation of orange/red lights in the sky to the south of us. There appeared to be between 15-20 individual light flying in formation about a quarter-mile from our location and about 300-400 feet from the ground.

The lights were flying in formation, but they also flew at varying speeds, with some lights overtaking others or flying around them. The string of lights stretched back about 1000 feet, and formed some shapes as they flew past such as triangles or squares. No other lights could be seen, such as would be required on aircraft or even drones.

I rolled down the window, but did not hear any sounds of ultra-light aircraft or drones. They moved too fast to be lanterns, approximately 40-50 MPH on a night with no wind.

I couldn't pull over in time to take a video of them, and by the time I could stop they were too far away heading northeast. I am very familiar with all types of aircraft and I could not identify these lights.

I've also spoken with friends who are pilots and they are stumped as well.

Posted 2018-01-25

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