NUFORC UFO Sighting 13846
Occurred: 2000-08-19 16:00 LocalReported: 2000-08-19 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Sedona, AZ, USA
Shape: Orb
silver sphere sighted in sedona
my girlfriend saw a silver spherical object pass behind a rock formation today around 4 to 4:30pm. she is a serious skeptic, but exclaimed when she saw it: "now that looks like a ufo!". the object passed behind a rock formation before i could catch a glimpse of it.
an update on the sighting of a white falling fireball over sedona- the most logical explanation of what i saw is probably the dropping of an iridium flare, although this fell much faster than the 'iridium flares' that were given as the explanation of the famous phoenix lights.
An update submitted by same witness. PD
Posted 2000-08-25
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