NUFORC UFO Sighting 138405
Occurred: 2018-01-15 19:40 LocalReported: 2018-01-16 13:41 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Gulfport, MS, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
i have video of two of them
Approx. 7:35 (p.m.), my wife, granddaughter, and myself was headed home we turn down 20th Ave.and abt three blocks down and three hundred yards up in single file these round orange, reddish, and yellow balls was going west we cut through to 22nd Ave..
Jumped out of the car and they went in three separate ways abt half went north the others wen west we watched them fading when two more came across the sky and I had my phone and got video of them not very good, but you can see them.
Posted 2018-01-16
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