NUFORC UFO Sighting 138403

Occurred: 2017-06-06 15:45 Local
Reported: 2018-01-16 08:45 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Burnsville, NC, USA

Shape: Disk

saucer, fling hardhat!

((name and personal information deleted))___________private pilot, airplane and helicopter ((address deleted)) Burnsville, NC 28714 ((e-address deleted))

U.F.O. Sighting at my home June 6, 2017 time: 15:45, (3:45 pm) Object description: disc shaped with apparent dome, bright shiny metallic, highly polished surface like chrome. The disc appeared to be about 100' in diameter.

There were no lights or markers, and no sound, no con trail from the object. Looked like a giant flying chrome hardhat! Weather: clear sky, one cloud, small cumulus to the SW., temp 72 deg. f.

Note; the afternoon sun was bright and illuminated the object perfectly Observation: object traveling from the North East toward South West, observed in Eastern sky initially. The disc was in a right banked constant speed turn.

I estimated the speed at 500-600 knots, altitude above ground 2500',(AGL), my elevation here is approximately 3000' (MSL).

The actual distance between myself and the object was less than one half mile,(1/2 mi.) The disc flew in a slight arc was observed by me for about 10-20 seconds and disappeared into the only cloud in the sky, I did not see it reappear on the backside of the small cloud an do not comprehend why this was not observed by me.

This is a true statement made and written by me___((name deleted))

Posted 2018-01-16

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