NUFORC UFO Sighting 138397
Occurred: 2017-12-10 17:50 LocalReported: 2018-01-15 17:40 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Naperville, IL, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Strange Blinking Red Light Along With A Green Object.
First observed from the downtown Naperville area, a small red light that appeared stationary above a Walgreen's located at the intersection across from the parking garage where my car was parked for the evening. It was about 5:50 P.M. on a clear evening; no stars were out yet and no planes or other aircraft were observed for the evening.
The light was clearly artificial, but there hadn't been any typical air traffic; the light was out of place. I was across the street from the Walgreen's, waiting for the traffic light to change so that I could get to my car in the parking garage, observing. It wasn't moving when I first observed it, yet the light was blinking to no apparent rhythm: sometimes it would blink rapidly, other times it blink once, then stop blinking for several seconds before starting again. It would flash red, then appear to vanish, only to blink red again. I was curious, and flashed the flashlight on my phone at it, mimicking its own flashing. It flashed back, and then stopped flashing for an extended period of time. When the light finally turned (after I took a quick series of photos) I crossed the street and headed the down the block towards the garage. However, I noticed something odd; the red light wasn't behind me as it should have been if it was still stationary. If it had just been hovering I should have passed it by, leaving it behind me. I should have had to look behind me in order to keep it in view, not in front. Curious, I stopped walking abruptly. In that short instance of my pause, I caught it moving a few degrees more to the west before it stopped. I took more photos and kept walking.
In front of the garage, across from the municipal center, there is a relatively empty, small parking lot. I stopped there and flashed my flashlight once more in a series of rapid bursts at the light; there was no response this time. Once more the light was stationary. I took the stairs up to the fourth floor (where my car was), and looked out the gaps between the floors. The light was still there, stationary, blinking slowly. I took another series of quick photos. Leaving the downtown area to get home, I hoped out loud that I wouldn't see it coming after the car. I don't recall seeing it after I left. I don't know if it was still there when i pulled out of the garage, but I know for sure that it didn't follow me back to my house. I’ve seen a lot of air traffic in my neighborhood, but I have never seen anything like it. This light was way too high in the sky to be a plane or a helicopter, not to mention that I’ve never seen one act or move like this light did.
Later discovering a video I took with my phone that I hadn't noticed before, I saw another object come out of nowhere during the last two seconds of the video. Green, and flying out of nowhere exactly that I pinpoint, it was much larger than the red light, didn't blink, and wasn't noticed while I filmed. I don’t recall seeing that object/light before the viewing the video. Zooming into the photo shows a weird green shape.
Posted 2018-01-16
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