NUFORC UFO Sighting 138392

Occurred: 2018-01-14 07:20 Local
Reported: 2018-01-15 01:02 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Conway, WA, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Changed Colo

Light formation changing shape 3 bright orange / white lights

Tonite I had a possible experience but no camera on me to back it up. Driving home to Anacortes, WA, looking west toward Camano island on the puget sound over the water (note there are small airports and an Air Force (sic. Navy) base nearby on Oak Harbor) Anyway it was dark and I had this feeling. Looked over to my left and saw two bright orange lights appear in the sky. Thinking not much of it since I always see planes in that direction coming at me.

A third orange light appeared. Again thinking these are just possibly commercial flights coming in. As I tried to drive and watch at same time, the three bright lights lined up perfectly together. I then thought hmm. this is looking more like possible flares. Suddenly the lights changed formation in unison into the shape of a large triangle.

I said well that's not right. I found a place in the dark to pull over on a farm out in the countryside. Turned off my car, turned off all my lights. I said, well if these are planes, they will come forward or turn or get bigger, if they are flares they will fall and burn out. But no. They kept changing formation! From a large triangle, back to side by side in a straight line, to a smaller triangle, back again to even brighter lights as a large triangle, then the lights all at the same time converged together into one light, changed from orange to white, then separated again into a triangle formation.

I picked up my phone to call my daughter to tell her what I was seeing, as soon as I picked up my phone, one of the lights went out, then within a few moments appeared on opposite side of the sky.

Slowly over the next few minutes, the lights went off one by one. I know it was not flares, they can not change formation or zip around the sky. Could it have been planes, well they remained stationary off in the distance, with no sound. I have seen many UFOs in my life, some very up close and personal, but had not seen anything like this since the late 90s.

Posted 2018-01-15

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