NUFORC UFO Sighting 13839

Occurred: 2000-07-06 20:45 Local
Reported: 2000-08-19 00:00 Pacific
Duration: Three minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: South Ontario, CA, USA

Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Bright, white lights blinking in random pattern coming from very translucent cylinder that made no sound and was lit up by a jet.

At 8:45 pm, I was looking at stars in south sky. A number of BRIGHT (almost phosphoresant) little lights rose above a tree south of us. They were very close together, and I thought they were residual fireworks from the Fourth. It rose a little higher in the sky, and I realized it was a craft of some kind. We live in the LAx and Ontario flight paths, so we are used to crafts of all kinds. This thing was a bunch of little blinking (random) very white, almost tranluscent lights. It came north toward where I was sitting. It got close enough that I could vaguely determine that it was almost like an octagonal shaped cylinder. The funny thing was that it was very hard to get a depth perception on. It made NO SOUND at all. I was able to determine that it was lower than the planes to LAX and higher than the ones to Ontario. It came north and then made an exact right angle turn to the west. It rose higher in the sky,as it proceded west. A plane going to LAX was coming up behind it, but it was very, very difficult to judge the height or depth of this thing. It was eery. As I was trying to figure out exactly how high above the plane it was, the jet turned on all of it's lights right behind it!!!! It followed it for about five seconds, and then the thing just disappeared, leaving only the jet to LAX in the sky. I called LAX, but of course got nothing. As I stated, we live in the flight paths for two major airports and have for fifteen years. We are used to seeing and being able to identify just about anything that goes over-head. We have seen everything from the Stealth to the Concord, to trial aircraft flying out of Miro Airport in Rialto, Calif, to every kind of blimp and helicopter you can imagine. I am 45 years old and have NEVER seen anything like this thing. Thank you.

Posted 2000-08-25

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