NUFORC UFO Sighting 13786
Occurred: 2000-08-10 21:45 LocalReported: 2000-08-15 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 11
Location: Long Lake, NY, USA
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
Formation of 3 lights, followed by fomation of 6 retangular white lights hovering in sky with no noise
At 9:45 pm while looking out over the west side of Long Lake towards Buck Mountain my mother noticed a retangular white light hovering in the valley between the mountain and the islands across from us. There was no noise. The lights came on one at atime from left to right. They hovered and faded out rather quickly and reappeared. We called a friend so he could go outside and observe these lights because we knew he would never believe us. After the lights went out two friends went down to my dock on the lake to continue to watch the sky. They (the two friends) had seen three lights appear in the sky 45 minutes before these lights appeared but didn't think they were much of anything. After a few minutes the three lights appeared again but they had shifted to the south ever so slightly but still hovering above the tree line. I was rather frightened but I continued to look and then six lights came on sequentially from left to right this time. Again whitish in a horizontal line and it looked as though those lights were turning, lifting up somewhat and then the lights vanished. A few minutes later my two friends on the dock spotted a very very bright light over Buck Mountain and they observed this light shooting straight down. AFter that no more lights were seen. The next day I talked to two campers that also observed the lights. I also found out that I had two friends at the South End of the lake see simalar lights that night, but they had also seen the lights on Monday August 7th. They saw 6 lights and then another row of 6 lights in a V formation after having seen three lights (looking at drawings we saw very similar formation) They didn't want to tell anyone because they figured no one would believe them. A few kids saw lights two days before I did in Minerva and chased the lights with their car but the lights disappeared. A witness also saw lights on his drive from Indian Lake to Blue Mt. Lake on Thurs, Aug 10th at approx 9:30pm. So we know we were not the only ones to see the lights. ! We made calls to the Air Force and apparently they were doing manoevuers that night but two of my friends spotted two aircraft much farther north and they spotted the aircraft several minutes after we saw the light formation. We also speculated Fort Drum because it is to the west of us but upon contacting The Adirondack Daily Enterprise after a story on the lights appeared there this weekend Fort Drum was ruled out. Are we the chosen ones? We were rejected and you know what that is okay with me because it scared the pants off me. Where I condsider myself a cynical non-believer at heart, this definitely altered my mind.
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. First of all the area where the
lights were spotted were in a remote area of the Adirondack Mountains. In
fact where I was staying at the time there is no electricity on either side
of the lake at that point. There would definitely not have been a blimp
there at the time. In fact the posting from New York State from a location
near Watertown on the same day is most likely the same thing that I spotted
with my group of friends. The description is pretty accurate. As far as
having others post for you, I'll give it a try but most of the folks aren't
into the computer thing. I'll have my one friend that was with me at the
time submit his version because he started to see a light formation about 45
minutes before the rest of us. My cousin contacted an air force base
southwest of the Adirondacks and they confirmed that they were doing
manoevures that night but I feel pretty confident that this was definitely
not anything that was related to air craft activities. The Adirondack Daily
Enterprise is doing a story on the sightings and you can reach the reporter
if you want to at 518-891-2600, her first name is Victoria (sorry I can't
remember her last name) I'm sure she would be interested in talking to you
for her story and she can maybe put something in the article about posting
submissions. She has been contacting people around the area because many
people have called her because there was a published report in Sat August
12th's paper.
How would I send a map to you? If you get a map of New York State, Long Lake
is in the center of the Adirondack Park, south of Lake Placid, North of Lake
George... Sightings were also made from Saranac Lake (info from newspaper
I also read a posting from a person that works at the prison north of LL in
Malone that described the UFO on Monday August 7th, my friends saw it on Aug.
7th too so I have the feeling these sightings are also related.
It's very interesting, have you ever spotted a UFO, do you have any thoughts
on UFO's? All I know was that it was extremely creepy and I ran in to grab
the children because I was totally afraid.
So yes the area was remote, full of wilderness. The Adirondack Park is 6
million acres large public/privately owned. I hope this sparks your
interest. Also I checked and someone in Massachusetts also saw a similar
formation (these are all from your website) so we want to know what it
Thanks again
((name deleted))
we intentionally leave the newspaper contact information in this report.
Posted 2000-08-19
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