NUFORC Sighting 137820

Occurred: 2013-09-25 16:00 Local
Reported: 2017-12-17 10:22 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Sheffield, MA, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Electrical or magnetic effects

Sheffield, MA, Sphere hovers and leaves crop markings. Photo's taken of Sphere & Markings. (Also See: BLT Research)

Sheffield, MA, Sphere hovers over corn filed, Sept. 2013.

The UFO was seen by owners of Pine Island Farms. The object hovered about thirty feet over the cornfield. The family did take a picture of the sphere. The UFO left what looked like a crop circle. Crop markings were investigated by "BLT Research". Report: Sept.25th, an approx. 6′-wide bare oval spot inside a 33′-long oval of flattened maize w/4 pathways “like a cross” extending precisely E/W & N/S. Southern path (arrow) cut by the harvester. The farmer & sister saw “greenish 1/2-moon shaped 12′ diameter UFO” also in 1986. Multiple EM disturbances ongoing on the farm. Note: Same general area of the September 1st, 1969, event of Sheffield, MA.

Posted 2017-12-21

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