NUFORC UFO Sighting 137705
Occurred: 2017-12-09 02:30 LocalReported: 2017-12-11 14:15 Pacific
Duration: Seconds
Location: West Columbia, SC, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Possible abduction
Sometime during Saturday early in the morning I experienced something. The best way I can describe this is when you are sleeping and someone is moving around you you can kind of sense it and it wakes you up. This happened to me and as I slowly opened my eyes everything was a bit blurry and I saw three figures. One standing above me into that appeared to be monitoring a wall that look like it was full of different small screens or something. It was difficult to get any detail because the moment I open my eyes and caught a glimpse I felt thrown back and then I was back laying in my bed and I could not move. I tried to call out to my girlfriend laying next to me but all I can make was a small noise and my eyes closed and I was back asleep again. My girlfriend recalls hearing me make a noise that night. The following day she showed me an article showing unidentified flying objects over Lexington County. The article describe this as about a half dozen Jets but there were no crafts that were supposed to be flying at the time according to the reports. My conclusion, I've always wanted to believe that aliens were real. And what happened that night seemed so real. I believe it was real.
Posted 2017-12-14
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