NUFORC UFO Sighting 13729
Occurred: 2000-07-04 21:45 LocalReported: 2000-07-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 seconds
No of observers: 3
Location: Conyers, GA, USA
Shape: Light
Simple unmoving red light close to the moon that simply disappeared.
I was over at a friends house with another buddy of mine (that makes 3 who were there at the time and 3 who saw it) Another buddy of ours was on his way there, that was why we were outside, we were waiting on him, tossin' the football. When we got out on the grass in the front yard, I looked up at the moon, which was a cresant. I guess about that same time I saw the red light, one of my buddies did too. We both acknowledged that it was there, then my other friend saw it. It was slightly below and left of the moon. At first, I thought it was a star, but it was alittle too large to be one and it was red. Then friend #1 said it might be Venus, and I said it might be Mars. A few seconds later, it just disappeared. I didn't notice it dim at all, it's like the light just turned off. I though maybe a cloud had gone in front of it, but it was pretty clear that night and we kept a look out for it for a half an hour later, and it still didn't appear back.
Posted 2000-08-19
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