NUFORC UFO Sighting 137178
Occurred: 2017-11-09 01:00 LocalReported: 2017-11-09 01:10 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 2
Location: Paola, KS, USA
Shape: Orb
Im sitting by my window smoking and happen to notice that im seeing an oddly number of lights here lately some go some stay but noticed a group in the shape of appears to be a triangle sometimes they are stacked one on top of other ALWAYs on the other side of wooded area as if playing peek a boo with me, orange orbs small balls of im guessing light travel at slow speeds then once noticed the hide its like they know im watching they or it makes rapid movement no human aircraft controlled or built could make weird things keep happening, dogs go crazy for no appearant reason, strange noises and animal sounds coming from woods its scary i dont know but it seems they come back once every other day and seem to somewhat let their presence be known i just have a weird feeling that something isnt right in Paola or to be exact the somerset country side
Posted 2017-11-09
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