NUFORC UFO Sighting 137158
Occurred: 2017-11-05 22:30 LocalReported: 2017-11-07 10:24 Pacific
Duration: 30-45 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Lantana Beach, FL, USA
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
The sightings began while sitting on a seawall of an open lot at the beach. It's a private beach, so there is little to no light pollution. My friend pointed out two yellowish lights in formation to our left (north). I simply dismissed them as being airliners in a pattern to land. But after about five seconds of looking away she yelled, "They fused together!". I look back over and cofirmed there was just one light just stationary that lasted for about 5 minutes, until fading out.
Shortly after she points in front of us (East), over an anchored ship another light that was red, blue and white changing colors and shapes. This one was different not only because of the changing colors and shapes but this one had a very erratic movement. It wasn't stationary not moving in a certain direction. It would do small erratic movements in almost every direction with occasional drops in altitude. No conventional aircraft to my knowledge could have performed these movements that, being that high in the air, would equal to 50-100 foot instantaneous movements. At one point we witnessed a light, almost like a strobe or lighting very near where we were sitting and my friend said she felt a presence and it was eerie so we decided to head back to our car. As we walked we kept tracking the object that seemed to move North with us as we walked since it wasn't hovering over the ship anymore (that was our marker). We stopped one last time to observe it and to confirm with each other that we were seeing the same thing and, sure enough, it was directly East of us at this point a half mile walk from our original position. It continued to do the same erratic movements and even reacting to passing aircraft. We left and were not able to see the object again.
Posted 2017-11-09
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