NUFORC UFO Sighting 137156

Occurred: 1997-09-15 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2017-11-07 08:45 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Santa Fe, NM, USA

Shape: Light

Saw white dot of light moving in zig-zag motion over mountains outside of Santa Fe, NM

I don't remember exactly when this sighting happened, unfortunately. Year and time are my best guess. It was before we left New Mexico, so I was under 9, and probably over 6, so that puts it in the window of 1996-97. If I had to guess what season it was I'd say autumn, but I really have nothing to back that up.

We lived outside of the center of town in Santa Fe, by a river gorge that runs from a reservoir to the east of town. Our house was on the north side of the river, positioned up on the hill slope, with a view across the valley, looking at the Atalaya Mountains to the south.

We had an office room where the computer was, with large windows taking up almost the entire southern wall to afford this view of the valley. The computer desk sat on the east wall at a right angle to these windows.

It was fully dark at the time of the sighting. Since we were a little removed from town, you could see the night sky and stars pretty well at our house.

I was playing a computer game, sitting at a right angle to these big windows on my left. I must have just looked over at the windows because I don't think any sound or light or anything would have prompted me to do so, and I saw a white spot of light, basically the same size as a star, moving slowly from east to west in a zig-zag pattern just above the mountains on the other side of the valley. Not a very big or dramatic movement, but kind of like drawing the shape of the symbol for Aquarius (in a single line).

It moved at a slow enough rate across a wide enough space that I could watch it long enough to really take in what I was seeing.

I was interested in UFOs, and knew that this wasn't a normal flying pattern for any known craft. As far as I can remember, the white point of light continued moving westward down the line of the mountain range at a steady rate until it just left view.


Source of report indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2017-11-09

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