NUFORC UFO Sighting 137140
Occurred: 2014-09-10 18:30 LocalReported: 2017-11-06 09:53 Pacific
Duration: 45 min
No of observers: 1
Location: San Diego, CA, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby
Orb over San Diego 10 Sep 2014.
I pulled into my driveway at around 6:30 p.m. on 10 Sep 2014. I saw an object just to the right of my home and seemed to be hovering slightly above and behind my next door neighbor's home. The object reflected the late afternoon orange glow. The sky was clear that evening. At first I thought it may be a globe commonly seen hanging on power lines, but then realized there were no power lines in that area. I could see no means of flight and there was absolutely no sound coming from the object. I thought it was about 500 ft above the ground and I could see some details. It appeared to be a small object about 4-6 ft in diameter. The object appeared to gently sway as if impacted by a breeze, of which there was very little. It eventually drifted away to the Southwest and out of sight.
I went inside and got my camera and took almost 3 dz photos. Also during the observation, I picked up my video camera and took about 12 min of video of the object toward the end of my sighting. I observed the object for about 45 min in total (according to the time and date stamps on my photos). I had to move my position to a different part of my backyard in order to continue to track the object as it drifted away. Finally it became too dark to track. Also I forgot to take my video camera out of auto focus, so as it got darker and the leaves of the trees moved, the object appears to go in and out of focus. That was my error.
The first 2-3 min were observed without equipment. Then I secured my camera(s) for the remainder of the time. When I put the photos on my computer I could see more detail and noted 3 antenna or rods attached to the object. There is an airport a few miles away and airplanes were flying in the background, but none came near or even close to the object.
Posted 2017-11-09
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