NUFORC UFO Sighting 136931

Occurred: 2003-10-20 22:00 Local
Reported: 2017-10-23 07:49 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 2

Location: Harrison, GA, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby

amber colored crafts and strange sounds

It was in the evening and getting late, my father and I had been sitting by a bon fire for a few hours when we noticed a large amber colored star in the sky. It was significantly larger and brighter than the rest of the stars that night so we decided to watch it out of suspicion. After an hour or so the "star" began to move. Then several more of these strange amber colored shapes appeared and all began to fly across the sky very slowly and without a trace of sound. Suddenly we heard the sound of scrambling jets and saw the lights from them come across the tree line. The jets appeared to be circling the strange crafts and chasing them around. The amber colored crafts began to dodge the jets and move in ways that I have never seen any aircraft move. They would be flying in one direction and then change direction instantly without a second of delay. One of the crafts suddenly shot out several smaller ones and they began to run across the sky scrambling with the jets. The jets then began to set off flares and it was close enough to hear them popping. And as soon as this happend the crafts began to disappear and the jets flew away. Sudden silence filled the sky and fear filled our hearts at what we heard from the Forrest seemingly all around us.. we heard an awful sound. It was like a mixture of a mechanical sound and an animal screaming. We had heard nothing like this on our lives and never have sense. We are still in awe of the events of that night. We had several less eventful sightings in the months after but as time went on the craft disappeared and we never saw them again.

Posted 2017-11-03

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