NUFORC UFO Sighting 136863
Occurred: 2017-10-19 20:00 LocalReported: 2017-10-20 07:09 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Williamsburg, OH, USA
Shape: Triangle
3 Instances of Different Light Patterns within 45 minutes.
19:30 - We saw three uniform bright lights relatively close together that made a perfect triangle. They didn’t move. One at a time but in a rhythm, each one blinked out. They appeared to be over/near Mt. Orab.
20:00 - We saw 6-8 lights, about the same color as the lights we saw earlier, but different sizes and scattered around one general area (Mt. Orab direction). We were driving so I didn’t get to see how or when they blinked out.
20:05 - Once home, we could not see those lights anymore. However, looking straight up, like directly above us, very faintly we could see 4 tiny shimmering white lights that formed a perfect square. The lights flickered in unison. They were so faint, it was like you were looking at them through clouds but the sky was clear last night. Then they just disappeared.
Posted 2017-11-03
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