NUFORC UFO Sighting 136447

Occurred: 2017-09-16 14:00 Local
Reported: 2017-09-29 15:30 Pacific
Duration: Quick
No of observers: 1

Location: Kamloops (Canada), BC, Canada

Shape: Oval

Quickly snapped photo and then proceeded to continue on. Checked the photos later on in month and saw these. Sun shining off iof object

Well I will keep it simple. I was downtown shopping, and on my way there I decided to take a picture behind me. I didn't see anything on camera, maybe they were moving so fast or I just wasn't aware. I just got around to browsing my photos last night and was kind of shocked at what I have seen. It was shiny, if you zoom in you an see the sun shining off it Oh that's right I took the picture cause it seemed like there were chemtrails littering the sky so I snapped one.

I will be more aware of things now I will always look harder in ten sky and at all my pictures. It's surprising what you can catch by just snapping in the sky at nothing en zooming in.

Posted 2017-10-05

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