NUFORC Sighting 13629

Occurred: 2000-07-30 22:40 Local
Reported: 2000-07-31 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Chandler, AZ, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Lights on object

A bright green "string of round lights"- seemed to be connected. Falling fast vertically.

I was driving home from work & after I pulled into my subdivision heading east I saw a long , bright green, "string of lights" type of object to the east/southeast. It looked like approx. 7-10 small round "balls", all green and almost like a green line or "string" connecting them. It was very bright green and was descending rapidly toward the ground vertically w/ a little bit of a curve to the "string" . It looked like it was "crashing". It was heading down and a little to the right (south) of me. The sky was very dark & there was some lightening, but this was definitely not lightening in shape or color. It looked like it was maybe 4-6 miles from me.

Posted 2000-08-05

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