NUFORC UFO Sighting 13624

Occurred: 2000-07-30 21:25 Local
Reported: 2000-07-30 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Bellingham, WA, USA

Shape: Light

A white object flew down a valley at dusk.

I was sitting on the balcony of my home. The sun had set and it was dusk. The back of my place looks out across a valley, with hills on the other side about as high as the one my home is on. I saw a small object make a straight line course down the valley, from the NE to the SW. It was below the tops of the hills on the other side of the valley. The object was very small, my initial impression was that it was a seagull, which I see a lot of around here, but this appeared to be traveling in a straight line, the altitude did not vary, it did not change course that I could see and it was much faster than a seagull. My impression was that it was closer to the other side of the valley than the side I was on. I can't say the object glowed or reflected the last of the daylight, but it appeard to be white. It did not appear to make a sound, but I-5 is nearby, and if the object were quiet, I could see how the noise from I-5 could drownd it out. The whole incident could not have taken 7 - 10 seconds. It was too fast and small to be a propellor driven airplane, obviously it was far too small, and also too quiet to be a jet plane, really too low to be any sort of plane, too quiet to be a helicopter, too fast and flying too straight to be a bird, going horizontal so it couldn't have been a balloon or meteorite, so, what was it? I'm out of guesses. Professionally, I am a counselor by profession and have held an office manager position for three years as well as pursuing my professional practice.

Posted 2000-08-05

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