NUFORC UFO Sighting 136151

Occurred: 2017-09-13 21:45 Local
Reported: 2017-09-13 20:57 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Bethel Park, PA, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

This flying red/ orange ball was something very out of the ordinary.

Left local pub while walking to vehicle noticed in sky a very bright orange red object in sky heading from the east to a westerly heading (this direction gradually changed to a south heading ). It was considerably bright and seemed to dim somewhat after changing its direction. I would guess its closest distance from to be a quarter to half mile ( maybe closer ). It made no sound.

This object had no navigation lights, it was a solid orange red color for the duration of the sighting. It was absolutely positively not a Chinese lantern. The cloud cover was low--it was actually drizzling slightly during this sighting and right after I explained to my gf that this object was not on a standard flight corridor, a commercial jet (737-ish ) flew right under where this object faded from view-the airliner flew on a normal flight corridor that I see everyday and was very plainly visible with attendant navigational lights and was also flying under cloud cover at normal for this area altitude (1000-3000 ft ) about 15 miles from Greater Pittsburgh International. Its jet engines were clearly audible. ///

I am former military and former law enforcement. This was definitely an unusual sighting and I'll be curious if anyone else saw this object tonight.

Posted 2017-09-14

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