NUFORC UFO Sighting 136123

Occurred: 2016-07-30 21:00 Local
Reported: 2017-09-11 18:25 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Tinley Park, IL, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

25-35 Red orange lights / circular and rectangular craft

I am a 53 yr old female and have seen strange lights in the sky over the years, but nothing like this! I scrambled to get camera and video but could only get some still shots due to memory and low batteries.

Over the course of about 15 minutes, I observed at least 25 red orange lights coming over my yard low and silent. They came from the northeast and most traveled Southwest, with a few veering off to the west and south. They would come over one or two at a time. I was so excited, I started flashing some patio lights and in response I believe, one of the craft shut its light off. I could then see that there was a much larger circular shaped dark object where the light had been. Another one shut its light off a bit later and that time it looked more rectangular and flat to me.

I was left wondering who was that? Us or them? Is that our government testing things or is that something from a place far away? I waited this year to see if they would come back on the same day but nothing. My photos only look like fuzzy lights, but show the red orange color and I have some shots with 2 lights, time stamps 9 PM to 9:10

Posted 2017-09-12

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