NUFORC UFO Sighting 136100
Occurred: 2017-09-09 22:30 LocalReported: 2017-09-09 21:23 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Monroe, OH, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby, Animals reacted
Formation of red lights over Monroe, Ohio.
Between the hours of approximately 10:30 pm EST and 10:45 pm EST, I observed a tight procession/single file flight of what could have been anywhere from eight to twelve red lights flying in an unremarkable yet "eerie" manner from the NNE to a SW direction.
I am not discounting the possibility that these could be aircraft perhaps heading towards either Florida or Texas for hurricane relief operations - but these "aircraft" had only a red light(s) as far as I could discern, and there were a lot of them following each other in a "one by one" procession. They flew over neighboring Middletown, Ohio, which is next door to Monroe - at a relatively low altitude.
They did not originate from the proper direction of Wright Patterson AFB - but from farther North. There were no unusual flight behaviors that would differentiate them from typical aircraft - but I could not hear any noise that I could directly associate with them. The scene struck me as being very creepy.
Neighborhood dogs were barking - but I was unsure if this was because of the objects - or because I was standing on my porch and they heard me making remarks such as, "Oh my God!" - and "You must be ((word deleted)) kidding me!".
Posted 2017-09-12
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