NUFORC UFO Sighting 136068
Occurred: 2006-06-06 04:15 LocalReported: 2017-09-07 20:56 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Pinedale, WY, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Left a trail
disks of varying group size, plus a green light that may be a remnant of something else
My father and I had been awake since 3:00 AM to watch the Eta Aquarid meteor shower behind our house, with a clear view of the eastern sky. For a while we did normal things: tie shoes, go inside for coffee, etc. Then, at 4:15 AM, the thought occurred to me personally to look higher up in the sky. I saw a group of disks in the sky that appeared rather small to me. I watched them move slowly toward the Milky Way, leaving triangular trails behind them. They moved for a couple of seconds, and then stopped, the trail faded, and they moved again, though this movement did not seem erratic. It simply seemed odd. Another thing they seemed to do was vary in number. Some of the disks faded until the group numbered two, and returned to light until the group numbered seven.
After several minutes of this, my father said, “Hey, look at that!” He was drawing my attention to “that bright light,” although what I saw was a fading dark green light that drifted to the right over the eastern horizon.
I returned my attention to the disks, and noticed that they seemed to restart their path across the sky, back toward the Milky Way. It appeared no progress had been made by them whatsoever.
(I should note that my father did not see these, but saw a bright flash of light that may have faded into the dark green light that I saw.)
Posted 2017-09-08
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