NUFORC UFO Sighting 136062
Occurred: 2016-09-07 22:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2017-09-07 13:29 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
Location: Sacramento, CA, USA
Shape: Circle
Almost a year ago today I was in my backyard stargazing at about 10 o'clock pm, when I noticed three circular bright orange, round objects, traveling separately in the same direction that I estimate travel 300 miles in less than one minute.
The three objects came to a dead stop, then shot out to the stars about five times faster than what they were originally traveling and disappeared.
About two weeks later, I was laying on the back deck at about 1 o'clock am, when I was awoken to a extremely bright light, to the point where I had to shade my eyes from being burned. The bright light lasted for about 30 seconds, then completely shut off.
The following day it felt as though I had severe sunburn to my skin and my eyes were painful from what I had experienced.
There was nothing remotely possible of duplicating this light on either my house or my neighbor's house. To this very day I have told only a few people, and I still am baffled from what I have seen and experienced in both occasions.
Witness indicates that the date above is approximate. PD)
Posted 2017-09-08
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