NUFORC UFO Sighting 135618

Occurred: 2017-08-09 03:15 Local
Reported: 2017-08-09 08:34 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Chino, CA, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

So, early this morning at 3:00am, I took my dog in my back yard so he can pee, I looked up to gaze at the stars as I often do, nothing unusual. Then, at 3:15 my doggies started barking, so I got up went to the kitchen looked out my large kitchen window to see what they where barking at, I looked up at the sky and noticed their was this large star like light that was lower then the usual stars.

I stood watching it for 10 minutes called my hubby he looked at it for another 15 mins, it was very bright at times but was very still and did not move.

After watching it for a while, we both went to bed.

Hour later my hubby got up to look at the object again and when he looked up at the sky, it was gone.

Maybe it was nothing, maybe it was?

Posted 2017-08-11

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