NUFORC UFO Sighting 135562
Occurred: 2017-06-12 21:10 LocalReported: 2017-08-05 10:40 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Port Barre, LA, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object
Two bright reddish orange objects hovering over tree line.
Driving in an easterly direction, on Hwy 190 between Port Barre and Krotz Springs, I noticed two bright reddish orange objects in the sky. The objects were hovering over the tree line next to the westbound lane of Hwy 190.
I turned off Hwy 190 onto Spillway Road and stopped my vehicle. I turned the engine off and got out so I could get a closer look and take some pictures.
I'm not sure exactly how high they were hovering, but if it would have been drones, I would have heard them. We've had drones fly in this area and I can hear them when they fly at distances a lot further than these objects.
It was totally silent, there was no humming or any kind of noise coming from that direction. The two objects hovered there until I got back in my vehicle. My husband was with me and he said he didn't hear any noise either.
As we proceeded in a southerly direction on Spillway Road, the two objects slowly started to move apart from each other, but they were moving in the same direction as I was moving. The two objects basically stayed directly over the bayou that Spillway Road runs next to.
As the objects kept a small distance behind us, but still moving apart from each other, they disappeared in the blink of an eye.
We were about 1/2 a mile from our house when they disappeared. When I got home, I told my son and his friend what we saw and they said they had seen the two objects hovering in that same exact spot just about five minutes before us, when they were riding the fourwheeler. They confirmed this again when I showed them the pictures I took.
It wasn't until I looked over the pictures and zoomed in for a closer look that I realized there were several lights on each object.
Posted 2017-08-11
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