NUFORC UFO Sighting 135461
Occurred: 2017-07-30 19:30 LocalReported: 2017-07-31 10:26 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Norfolk, VA, USA
Shape: Cylinder
Cylindrical object spotted in Norfolk.
I was in my backyard with my 2 year old son around sunset, and we were looking at the moon, when we noticed in the sky at high altitude in close proximity to the moon (about 4 o'clock) a cylindrical type object with long panels extending the length of both sides of it that appeared to be hovering in the sky.
At first I thought it was a plane but I observed no contrails and then thought that maybe it was a satelite or the ISS, however after about 5 minutes, it vanished from view.
There were no clouds in the sky and the object did not move from its location, it literally just vanished.
Posted 2017-08-04
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