NUFORC UFO Sighting 135372
Occurred: 2016-10-01 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2017-07-26 15:13 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 3
Location: St. Augustine, FL, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object
Alien saucer sighted in St. Augustine, Florida
My two friends and I decided to watch the sky at a popular tourist attraction called "the fort" in St. Augustine, Florida. I used to live there, they still do.
It was a full moon, we were dancing and talking. All the sudden I see a saucer flying way lower to the ground than a plane would be flying. It was also hovering. Planes DO NOT hover. Helicopters do, but it was NOT a helicopter.
It was clearly saucer shaped. It was lighted up, I can't recall what colors. It was moving in strange ways, back ans forth, side to side. I was so shocked. I pointed at it to show my friends and said " HOLY $&@&/& IS THAT AN ALIEN SHIP?!" And they both said something that was somewhere along the lines of YEAH!!!
The saucer ZOOMED so fast. Fast as lightning away into an abyss. We don't know where it went, it kind of just dissapeared like a ghost. And that was that.
We started running away from where we were, back to town, where we felt safe.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. Indicates that the date is approximate. PD
Posted 2017-07-27
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