NUFORC UFO Sighting 135329
Occurred: 2017-02-20 18:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2017-07-24 08:04 Pacific
Duration: ~2 minutes
No of observers: 0
Location: Chambersburg, PA, USA
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object
Bright orb like object moving very fast in an alrming route of motion.
Approximately 02/20/2017 at around 18:30, I was delivering pizza and entered I81 north via exit 16 of Chambersburg, Pa.
After about a quarter mile of being on the highway, I happened to look to my left as I was headed north on I 81. I observed a bright light in the sky. I couldn’t see too many stars if at all between the light pollution of the town and the cloudy sky. I was watching the light as best I could because it was unusually bright considering the circumstances. After approximately 45 to 60 seconds the light that appeared to be at a standstill. And then the light appeared to be making a vertical drop as if it was falling to the ground at an alarming rate of speed. Originally it appeared to be a few miles above the ground and dropped to maybe a few hundred yards. (approximately) After it reached to appear to be a few hundred yards above the ground, it came to a stop and appeared to be hovering.
At this point, I was coming up to exit 17 of 81 north, when the object began to move again, going towards my left, and appearing to make a movement towards the north east of my position. It made a complete stop again for approximately 15 to 20 seconds, then in an instant, took off at an incredible rate of speed appearing to make a north-western direction from my position, gaining a slight amount of altitude, then it was just gone in a flash.
At this point I was approximately half a mile past exit 17 of 81 north. It lasted only about 2 minutes. At first, I was not sure what to think because I have never seen anything like this. Chambersburg is not far from Washington, D.C., and we have multiple military bases in and around our area. I have seen many military aircraft in our skies, but nothing anything close to this. I’m not sure what to think. I am not even convinced it was alien, but I never seen an air craft move like that that fast and be a solid light, as if it was an orb.
Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2017-07-27
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