NUFORC UFO Sighting 135201

Occurred: 2017-07-13 04:00 Local
Reported: 2017-07-17 01:34 Pacific
No of observers: 5

Location: Pinedale, WY, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Star like orb flashing colors in night sky.

Well, I was working nights on a drilling rig in Pinedale, WY. Elevation is about 7,500 ft, and 100 miles from any big towns, so I get to see a lot of the night sky.

While I was in the back yard of the drilling rig, I looked up and noticed a star-like figure, which hadn't been there the last 14 nights. I started really looking closely at the object, and noticed it changing, blue, white.

I instantly thought, well, maybe it's a plane or drone, but seemed to high of altitude, considering the mountains around me were 11,000 ft higher then the horizon.

I called my co-worker on the CB radio, and said hey check this out. And he responded "what" I jokingly said, the UFO in the sky. He also brushed it off as a plane, or some commercial aircraft, until it didn't move like any plane.

We then began radio chatter which got a few other employees attention as well and they came to the back of the drilling rig to see what all the UFO talk was about.

As we talked, we came to the conclusion maybe it was some kind of satellite. We also had a debate about maybe being some kind of planet in our solar system, but that would explain the size and color changing orb that it was. So I went about my work day ever now and then I glanced at it and it stayed in the sky until 5:30 am, when the sun came up.

I got off work around 7:00am, and started my travel back home heading to Casper, WY. through he south pass of the mountain, and saw some pretty out of the ordinary traffic. At least 20 white cargo vans all following each other, heading towards the area we had seen the UFO. 4 of the vans had trailers, 2 black enclosed trailers, and the other two had flat bed bumper pull trailers with telescopes.

I then thought to my self, well maybe it was some kinda of planet, or some kind of star searching club was going to check the night sky out.

Finally reaching my house in Casper, Wyoming, slept the day away, because I was working nights for the past 14 days. I then told my girl friend what crazy things I saw at work and the way home. She kinda gave me a look like that's crazy, or maybe your crazy. But we stepped foot outside our house and seen 3 star like orbs again flashing in the night sky. Did a little research on the internet and I am not only the only one who has seen something like this but there is videos on YouTube of the same orb like figure. One orb faces southeast one west, and one south west.

It's the strangest thing I've seen in the sky and I tend to look at the night sky quite a lot because of my job duties.

Posted 2017-07-23

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