NUFORC UFO Sighting 135087
Occurred: 2017-07-09 16:00 LocalReported: 2017-07-10 20:33 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: La Pine, OR, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Bright shiny object hovers in the sky, and then just vanishes!
It was a bright blue sunny day when I was in my backyard when I heard two airplanes in the southeast sky. They sounded like they could be fire planes and since we live in an area of extreme fire danger we are always on the alert for fire activity this time of year.
When I looked up and saw the first plane and it was moving to the south, at that time, I noticed a bright shiny object that looked like it could be in the path of the plane. When the plane passed behind the object, I realized the object was closer to me. That's when I noticed it wasn't moving at all, just stationary and not moving.
I was trying to process what this was that I was seeing, another plane, helicopter, weather balloon etc. But I am sure what I was seeing was not any of those!
As the second plane approached the craft was still not moving, and still in the same spot, and then all the sudden it just disappeared, vanished, gone!
Posted 2017-07-14
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