NUFORC UFO Sighting 135010
Occurred: 2017-07-06 21:00 LocalReported: 2017-07-07 19:02 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Majors Place (south of), NV, USA
Shape: Light
Three non-moving, reddish-orange lights in White Pine County, NV.
At approximately 9pm on Thursday, July 6th, I saw three red lights while driving south on US 93 about half way between Major's Place and Pioche, Nevada. The lights simultaneously appeared, stayed on for about five seconds then disappeared. About five seconds after disappearing, the three red lights reappeared only disappear after about five seconds.
About ten minutes later, the identical lights, location, and duration happened again. The lights were reddish orange in color. For their size, they were about the size of a BB. Two of the lights were close together, not far above the horizon. The third, was to the left higher in the sky. They did not appear to be moving.
I have driven on US 93 in this area many times and have never seen anything like this. There are no radio towers or cell towers in the area that could have been responsible for the lights. I have been an aircraft mechanic since 1994. The solid reddish orange light is unlike standard aircraft lighting configuration.
Posted 2017-07-14
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