NUFORC UFO Sighting 134818
Occurred: 2017-06-29 04:31 LocalReported: 2017-06-29 07:06 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Charlottesville, VA, USA
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Animals reacted
Green orb light balls at 4:31am in Charlottesville, VA
Birds were chirping very loudly outside of my apartment around 4:00am in the morning. The volume of the chirping progressed to the point where I decided to see if there was a nest outside my apartment because I could not fall asleep. When I opened the door, there was a large green ball shaped object fairly low in the sky (lower than the moon which was not visible from my door). I quickly called my boyfriend to the door to see and as he came to the door, the single ball separated or multiplied into two balls which grew in size then dissolved slowly.
Seconds after, two more ball appeared (almost looked like they popped in the sky), then four more in perfect symmetry; they appeared like a number four looks like on dice. Seconds after that, another burst of four balls 'popped' in the sky. My boyfriend and I both did double takes as we could not believe what we were seeing. Additionally, we found the birds' behavior perplexing as I have never heard birds before at that hour of the morning nor have I seen them be so active (dodging and fleeting from tree to tree). Shortly after all the balls dissolved into the sky (total of about a minute, two at most), the birds chirping ceased and the night was quiet once again. Lastly, we speculated that it could be fireworks but there were no sounds coming from the lights or any other sounds other than the birds that we could hear. The balls did evolve in color, beginning in green, then to yellowish orange color until they faded away completely. I did take a single photo towards the end when they were mostly dissolved, but the outlines of the balls can be seen.
Posted 2017-07-07
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