NUFORC UFO Sighting 134489
Occurred: 2017-06-08 21:30 LocalReported: 2017-06-09 04:22 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Troy, VT, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
My wife ((wife's name deleted)) was standing on our deck (south facing) and called me as she was wondering what a single reddish globe light in the sky was. The object came from the south (from Westfield/Eden direction) and traveled towards us.
As the object neared, a second object (same color) appeared from the same direction. Shortly thereafter, a third object appeared.
They appeared to be ‘globes’ and moved in a somewhat fast rate of speed. There was no noise. Their movement was very ‘smooth’ (no quick movements).
Object 1 traveled towards us and, at one point, began ascending straight up (it disappeared). Objects 2 and 3 passed the house (to our left look at the objects). As they passed, I noticed what appeared to be a single light (underneath) the object. I could make out a black shape (outline from the light) but could not distinguish what it was. That is, they flew low enough for me to see that it did not have a bank of lights.
I am confident in saying that it was not a plane as I did not see wings. The light was bright and did not flicker or pulse. I have seen and heard drones when deployed to Afghanistan. This was not, in my opinion, a drone.
I am forwarding a picture captured of object 2 and 3 from our deck. I have other pictures but the size of the file would be too big to email. These were taken from my android phone (Samsung). Note that although it appears to be a ‘globe’ it is my sense that what you see is the light (under?) the object. I cannot confirm that it was, in fact, a roundish shape.
Both ((wife's name deleted)) and I observed this. End of report.
Posted 2017-06-09
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