NUFORC UFO Sighting 134249

Occurred: 2017-05-20 21:02 Local
Reported: 2017-05-20 18:43 Pacific
Duration: 120 seconds
No of observers: 3

Location: Mechanicsville, VA, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Changed Colo

I was facing north, 2 bright amber glowing objects which reminded me of fireworks, moving together due west across the sky. The top one wound up traveling fully to the left and disappearing halfway across the sky and the light changed as it got smaller, the bottom one dropped down at a harsh angle and also disappeared as it approached the horizon, slightly above the treeline.


We have amended the time above, to reflect a nighttime sighting. The source of the report remains anonymous, and provides no contact information, so we are unable to confirm the time. PD

Posted 2017-06-02

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