NUFORC Sighting 134179

Occurred: 2017-05-26 03:00 Local
Reported: 2017-05-26 08:14 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Bright white light moving really fast

I woke up at about 3:00 in the morning was sitting in bed {with the window open to get some fresh air} looking at my tablet when a bright white light in the sky caught my attention and I remember thinking what the hell is that because it was too bright (I would say 3x as bright} to be a plane and it had no other flashing lights on it so I got up and went to the window to get a better look and realized this thing is scooting along pretty well it was hauling ass for a plain.

When I first saw the light {my window faces south} it was traveling from the west heading east you know California to New York and as soon as It was almost above me it started heading south-east for about 5 seconds and then turned south heading away from me until it diapered behind some clouds. It travelled that distance in about 30 seconds. I realize now that the brightness of the light never changed even when it was traveling away from me and only dimed when it went behind some clouds. I live near an airport and see planes come and go all the time. I used to work at that airport and so what I am saying is I think I know planes fairly well. What I saw was definitely not a commercial airliner.


Source of the report elects to remain anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2017-06-02

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