NUFORC UFO Sighting 133688
Occurred: 2017-04-17 22:30 LocalReported: 2017-04-18 13:51 Pacific
Duration: >10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Slidell, LA, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
Bright twinkling lights in the sky over slidell,la
I went outside last night to smoke a cigarette, "Can't smoke inside," and I love to look at the sky. when I looked I thought it was some planes, I Seen 5 then out of nowhere they had more some was moving around the others that a plane just can't do and some was going straight, then they just was bright lights like they where twinkling or something I am very confused!!!
I wanted to get my phone but it was too late.
We have amended the time above, to reflect a nighttime sighting. PD
Posted 2017-04-20
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