NUFORC UFO Sighting 133667

Occurred: 1996-06-06 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2017-04-17 14:17 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Muenster, TX, USA


Dear Reader, I am writing you to share an experience I had with what I believe to have been a life form not of this earth.

First,let me start off by saying that I am just an ordinary person. I am married, have three children and am currently a substitute teacher. I am a former police officer and veterinary tech. I am a well rounded, faith based individual.

Hopefully, I have established somewhat of a picture of my credibility. What I am about to tell you sounds completely illogical and totally fabricated. But let me assure you, the night it happened and for many nights afterwards, it was very real to me.

1996, I was 18. I had moved in with my fiance into a two story home that was located in the country. The nearest house was over two miles away. The only way you could find our place was to know where it was...those winding dirt roads were easy to get turned around on.

It was around 11 p.m. on a breezy summer night. I had been outside most of the day and couldn't sleep because of my sunburn. I went downstairs and took a cool bath. The inside of the house was rather stuffy, as it was a much older home and didn't have central air conditioning. Once toweled off, I wrapped a bedsheet around my body and stepped out into the front porch to enjoy the breeze.

As I stood there, I began to feel very uncomfortable. To the point that my stomach knotted and my bladder felt as if it would burst. The hair all over my body stood on end. The front yard was made up of a small carport, in which two vehicles were parked. A street light stood next to the carport and it illuminated the entire yard. I scanned the yard searching for whatever it was that was unnerving me. The fight or flight was delayed because I couldn't see what I was reacting to. Just as I decided to retreat into the house, I turned toward my left, eyes still scanning. Then I saw it.

A figure stood, appearing half crouched, between the two vehicles (toward the bumper area, we always pulled straight in) under the carport. Now the light didn't fall into the carport, but illuminated the surrounding area. But it did give off enough light for me to see it. I stood there in shock, frozen with fear, and with my mouth agape, tried to rationalize the large head and simultaneously attempt to register what I was looking at. Your mind has a way of flipping through everything you have ever seen, in order to place such a being. I had nothing. I took one step forward to try and focus on on its features when it ducked between the cars. And let me add, nothing or no one I have ever seen has ever moved that fast. It was as if we had spotted each other and both of us were terrified.

The head and neck alone were unbelievable, but the speed in which it moved was down right impossible.

I ran inside, urine running down both legs, up the stairs and screaming the entire way. My fiancee woke up and I told him what I saw. He grabbed a pistol and went outside, me begging him not to go. I stayed at the top of the staircase and cried. He found nothing. Nothing at all. I didn't sleep that night.

I realize how this sounds. Let me assure you that I know this sounds like the ravings of a mad woman. But the truth is, it isn't. This really happened. This changed me.

Thank you for your time.


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2017-04-20

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