NUFORC UFO Sighting 133651
Occurred: 2017-04-17 23:15 LocalReported: 2017-04-16 21:41 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Grant, MI, USA
Shape: Formation
String of lights in sky staying stationary, then disappearing.
My friend and I were getting out of my car and noticed a string of lights that were in a slight elipses in the sky, looking through the trees. They were pretty stationary, but appeared to be very slowly moving away from us.
We decided to go inside for a little while and we planned to go back outside to see if the lights would still be there. After 20 minutes or so, we went back outside, and the lights were still there, but a back to where they were before we went inside.
We freaked out a bit and went inside to get my friend's husband, but when we went back out after 2 minutes, the lights were gone.
Source of the report elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2017-04-20
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