NUFORC UFO Sighting 133624

Occurred: 2015-08-15 16:00 Local
Reported: 2017-04-16 06:48 Pacific
Duration: Hours
No of observers: 8

Location: Woodbridge, NJ, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object

Orbs flying above towards multiple flashes of light.

This video was shot on August 15th, 2015, around 4 pm eastern time, in central New Jersey.

I had noticed I was able to see something if I stood where just the corona of the sun could be seen, so I decided to aim my iPhone camera at that direction. Coming in from right and from top left are two orb like objects that change speed and path.

Today, I zoomed in for first time, having forgotten I have this video, and noticed numerous bright flashes of light in the sky in the direction where the objects seemed to be headed. When I had noticed it, I showed it to others, all coworkers- some of which are very much skeptics of these things. Everyone's general reaction was the same- startled and in awe. This actually spanned a few days. No rhyme or reason as to when it started or stopped.


We have looked at the video, and tiny white objects can be seen moving across a clear, blue sky. However, we wonder whether the objects might be insects, brightly illuminated by sunlight. PD

Posted 2017-04-20

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