NUFORC UFO Sighting 133612
Occurred: 2017-01-14 18:55 LocalReported: 2017-04-14 18:49 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Greensboro, NC, USA
Shape: Unknown
Slow moving Planet brightness object
Greensboro, NC, 04/14/17, 8:55 PM. I went outside to put some scraps out for the neighborhood night creatures that visit. When I got in the middle of my back yard, I noticed what looked like a planet. Bright as Jupiter or Mars. While pondering which it could be, I noticed it was moving. No flashing lights, and it was not in the path I am used to air traffic flying over. Airliners that travel over my area are going on the North to South route at around 40 thousand ft. They are much dimmer and move quicker than this object. Even at that height, the flashing navigation lights are still obvious.
This object may have been a satellite but from my memory of viewing Iridium satellites or the ISS they moved much faster. This object was so slow I wasn't sure it was moving at first. It was moving from North West to South East. I first saw it directly overhead. By the time I was sure it really was moving slowly, and not my imagination, I began to be sure this seemed unusual. When it got to about 45 degrees going South East it quickly faded. It had been a very consistent brightness until that point. It had no color or peak of brightness as it passed over. It was like Jupiter or Mars, but moving until it faded over a 5 second period.
Posted 2017-04-20
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