NUFORC UFO Sighting 133610
Occurred: 2016-10-08 18:13 LocalReported: 2017-04-14 19:03 Pacific
Duration: 16 minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: Prescott, AZ, USA
Shape: Other
On October 8, 2016, from 1813 to 1829, I observed a stationary hovering object above Prescott, AZ, that had six tumbling "lobes."
I was waiting for friends in an alley off Goodwin St. in Prescott, AZ, between City Hall and an art gallery, where I was going to help them set up for a weekly lecture series. I looked into the western sky where the sun had already set, and to the south of Thumb Butte, hovering stationary over the ridgeline, was the strange object. I wrote the following journal entry less than half an hour later: "At 1813 I spotted a hovering object in the western sky. It pretty much remained stationary, but turned end upon end and rotated. The object looked like six "balloons" tethered to a central point [here I made a drawing in my journal]. There were no lights on the object. I could see no line tethering it to the ground, and it behaved as though it were free from any external restraints. I watched it until 1829 and it moved practically imperceptibly, except for its rotating and tumbling. It's now too dark to see it at 1856." My friends arrived several minutes after I caught sight of the object and I beckoned them over to see what I was looking at. They saw it, but were unimpressed and nonplussed. I continued to watch it, as noted above, until 1829 when it was almost too dark to see.
I subsequently discovered that there had been a rash of sighting over the previous few days to the south of Prescott in the Valley.
The object was six-lobed, like a child's jack, and the lobes were in constant motion around its center, giving it a "tumbling" effect.
Posted 2017-04-20
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