NUFORC UFO Sighting 133606

Occurred: 2017-04-14 21:50 Local
Reported: 2017-04-14 22:28 Pacific
Duration: 14 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Malibu, CA, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

Dull object changing shape and flashing while moving in and out of vision

It was a warm night in Malibu, California; I was approximately half a mile from the ocean shore and the sky was particularly clear for a Los Angeles night. Around 9:30, a friend and I went outside to hammock. Around 9:50, my friend pointed out a strange "white, but not bright" object in the sky. I looked up to see a large, floating object closer than a plane would fly. As we observed the moving object, a plane flew high above it (it was descending into LAX), meaning the unidentified object was much closer to Earth than we first realized.

I would describe the sighting as not a bright white object, but a dull almost brown shape that was changing size in a repetitive pattern. It would twirl and become quite large, but get smaller as it rotated - only to be large again within seconds. I would estimate the size of it to be fifty times the size of a star from the naked human eye on Earth. Also, there seemed to be a red, glowing light from the core of the flying object.

I went inside to grab some binoculars, and within three minutes the object had moved to the south east towards Los Angeles and had become much smaller, as if it was flying further away.

We continued to watch it, along with a couple of other friends, as it gradually became smaller. All the while, it continued to move in the same pattern.

Within several minutes, at around 10:04 pm, the object disappeared from the atmosphere.

We witnessed only one object in this whole ordeal.

Posted 2017-04-20

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