NUFORC UFO Sighting 133597

Occurred: 2007-05-15 12:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2017-04-14 10:14 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Shape: Other

Silver orb raced across the sky

About 10 years ago on a clear day in May, I was hanging out with a buddy in his back yard. After an hour or so, I saw a silver orb flying across the sky from the right to the left. Fastest thing I ever saw. It got about 75% across the sky and then shot up to space at a 125 degree angle.

I'm guessing it was flying around 25,000 feet and was not huge from that far away. He lives close to Nellis Air Force base so I don't know if it was a military craft we don't know about or an alien craft that was checking out the base.


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2017-04-20

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