NUFORC UFO Sighting 133586
Occurred: 1976-04-20 01:00 LocalReported: 2017-04-13 17:32 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Brazil, , Brazil
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object
I am going to report what was told to me and to a group of friends, probably in the year of 1976, by a very simple person with almost no formal education, and who lived in a place without electric light and without television whom I will call Mr. M to preserve his memory.
We had a group of friends, some amateur astronomers, and almost every weekend in good weather we would get up at Santana's mountain, near the city of Porto Alegre-Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil. This place was free of direct lighting and we would turn up at night watching stars.
One of those weekends, we went up the mountain and found this gentleman who told us what had happened one night in that week. I pass the report to the first person to make the report as if it were Mr. M speaking:
"I was sleeping at night, when I was awakened by the dogs' barking, and I went to see if there were no thieves. When I got out of the house, I did not see anybody, but looking up from the city of Porto Alegre, I saw a large luminous object flying. At first, I thought it was a large plane, but then I saw it coming slowly, silent, from West to East, and slowly passed over where I was, fading behind the trees in the mountain. It was huge, full of lights and reminded me of the great Chandeliers from the Cathedral of the City of Santa Cruz do Sul-Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life."
Here, I begin again to report the involvements of the fact. Mr. M was a humble good man, probably could not read, never watched television, worked hard and slept early, the access to the place was difficult and dangerous, he did not go to movies, he was a honest and sincere person, he did not drink, was not superstitious and had nowhere to draw from his own imagination a description of such a nature in so many details. In fact, he marveled at the beauty of it, and said it had been the most beautiful thing in the world.
Posted 2017-04-20
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