NUFORC UFO Sighting 133246
Occurred: 2017-03-21 21:15 LocalReported: 2017-03-21 19:26 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Brandon, FL, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Silent Triangular UFO over Brandon, Florida
We were driving south on Faulkenburg Blvd. towards home in Brandon at about 21:12 hours. I saw what I thought was the back view of a jumbo jet heading towards MacDill Air Force base on my right over a field. It got my attention because it was so large and seemed so close. There was a large white light in the center, with a small blue light on one side and another white light on the other side---as if on wing ends. There was a small red light on the belly of it and was blinking.
However, as we got closer, we saw it definitely wasn’t moving. So then we thought it was a tower of some kind with weird lights, but there are no towers in that area and it definitely wasn’t that, because I saw this thing rotate mid-air rather than turn. It was definitely triangular/teardrop sort of shape---kind of both of those. It reminded me of the jets I saw in the sixties and seventies, only a little larger.
I‘ve spent a good portion of my life in and around the military, so I‘ve seen a few. Its nose definitely pointed downwards briefly for about ten seconds or so, not really straight down, but at an angle and there was a long shaft off the nose of it. I saw a flash of dark metal as it shifted and the definite shape. We heard no noise whatsoever. It appeared to sit quietly in mid-air at about eight stories up, it didn‘t seem to be much above the tree line from our point of sight from the road. My daughter (29 years old) kept saying, “It’s so close. What IS that?!”
My husband nearly drove off the road into the bushes because we’d gotten so excited, but he didn‘t see it because, well, he was driving. By the time he’d turned around, it had moved in the opposite direction going North/Northwest towards Tampa International, but it had gotten really far really fast without a sound. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say it was some sort of stealth jet with an odd shape. However, I have never seen a craft quietly rotate mid-air like that or head off so fast ! without a sound. It just didn’t behave like a plane, blimp (wa! s way too fast for that), drone (was too large for that), or helicopter. And it sure was no weather balloon!
Posted 2017-03-23
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