NUFORC UFO Sighting 133200
Occurred: 2017-03-18 19:30 LocalReported: 2017-03-19 12:34 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Lantana, FL, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Changed Colo
I saw something strange in the Lantana, FL sky last night 03/18/2017, at around 8:15-8:30 pm..
I was driving to Lake Worth from Boynton Beach, via Military Trail, and I looked to the west in the sky and thought I saw an airplane tower that has the single Red light. But what I saw what looked like a Huge Red Star in the sky what appeared to be burning fuel like a rocket moving towards the South/East. After it stopped in mid air, it changed its course moving north. It changed to a Bright Star, and then it disappeared. I was looking for a blinking light you would see from an airplane or helicopter and didn't see one. My Friend was with me and saw it too. Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo or video of it. Any thoughts?
Launch of Delta IV out of Cape Canaveral at 20:18 hrs., 18MR17:
Source of report does not include contact information. PD))
Posted 2017-03-23
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