NUFORC UFO Sighting 132603

Occurred: 2017-02-13 21:30 Local
Reported: 2017-02-13 18:54 Pacific
Duration: 30-45 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Concord - Penecook, NH, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Animals reacted

Went to take the dog out to go the bathroom (she hadn't been out since 3 pm ). When she got to the bottom of the stairs, I opened the door and she took a couple steps out. Two other dogs were barking so I looked around to see where they were. The barks were coming a couple streets over.

After those first two steps she turned around and ran back in the hall I tried to get her out the hall but she wasn't having it. I stood in the door way for a moment waiting to see if she changed her mind.

Suddenly, a green fire ball shot downwards toward the ground then faded behind the tree line.

Posted 2017-02-17

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