NUFORC UFO Sighting 132514

Occurred: 2017-02-07 20:00 Local
Reported: 2017-02-07 22:19 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Port Orchard, WA, USA

Shape: Cone
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Emitted beams

circular craft with blue illumination bright white lights

At 8:00 pm tonight 2/7/2017 while driving from GIG HARBOR, WA, to Bremerton wa. the sky illuminated a blue light, so bright it caused me to slow from 60 mph down to 20 mph on the highway...the first illumination i could see a circular formation maybe 2 football fields wide, the light went away,, as i stared for 5 seconds it came back ,this time it illuminated blue, so bright like when lightning hits, but this stayed for 20 seconds, all of a sudden bright white lights in a circular pattern from within the blue light shined straight out like a lighthouse light , or rays of sun through the clouds, but this was maybe 8 lights at the same time ....then the white lights went off and blue light dissipated, and was gone.this felt and appeared as this was something from another world...i would love to submit an illustration to maybe help..


We spoke via telephone with the witness, and he sounded to us to be exceptionally eloquent, and serious minded. We suspect that he is highly reliable, and a very good witness. PD

Posted 2017-02-10

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